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Hologic QDR 1000 Plus Densitometer Machine

The QDR 1000 Plus machine by Hologic will give you accurate and reliable hip, lumbar spine and forearm examinations. This densitometer will provide you with high resolution images and low patient dose. It uses a patented automatic internal reference system that gives you the accurate results you need at just the push of a button. […]
View this EquipmentHologic QDR 2000 Densitometer Machine

The QDR 2000 machine by Hologic was introduced by Hologic in 1991 as the first fan-beam X-ray bone densitometer. It has been used as a method of estimating body FM in children. This machine has been designed to perform whole body scans and has been used in many different research studies. The QDR 2000 is […]
View this EquipmentHologic QDR 4000 Densitometer Machine

The QDR 4000 machine by Hologic is a bone densitometer that uses the pencil-beam technology that assesses bone patient’s bone mineral status. This machine is used to scan sites such as the lumbar spine, hip, and forearm. When you buy a Hologic QDR 4000, you will have a system that will give you high quality […]
View this EquipmentHologic QDR 4500 Densitometer Machine

The QDR 4500 Elite machine by Hologic is a full body bone densitometer that uses the fan beam technology. When you buy the QDR 4500 Elite, you will have access to a unique package of clinical applications for the AP spine, femur and whole body as well as patient reporting and support software. It is […]
View this EquipmentHologic Sahara Bone Densitometer Machine

The Sahara machine by Hologic is a simple, convenient and practical way for clinics to give their patients a bone assessment. This bone densitometer requires no radiations which improves the patient’s acceptance for the exam. You will also not be required to have a registered x-ray technologist to operate the machine. An exam with this […]
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